Sports Man Insurance

Product Features

Who should take this policy?

All athletes and students from the age of 10 to 60 can be insured.

Things that are assured

Under this policy, the sport man is covered by the following risks during the life of the insured.

  1. 1. Injury while training or competing in a gym or stadium
  2. 2. Accidental Death
  3. 3. Accidental death and injury during a short trip to a competition outside the country.

Exclusion Clauses

  • Injury caused by an intentional self-harm
  • Injury directly or indirectly caused by committing crime
  • Injury directly or indirectly caused by drug abuse
  • Injury directly or indirectly caused by alcohol abuse
  • Ordinary bruises (in sports such as Boxing, Judo, Karate, Martial Arts)
  • Injury that has already claimed for the compensation

Who can purchase this insurance?

National selections and students from different areas representing the state, region, townships and wards.

Sum Insured

From minimum 1 unit to maximum 5 units can be insured. (1 unit= 10 lakhs kyats)

Policy Term

  • • The term of the sportsman life assurance is 1 year.
  • • Short-term travel to foreign countries is 7 days or 1 month.


  • • Insurance per unit is 0.5% of the sum insured. (Premium 5,000 kyats for sum insured 10 lakhs)
  • • For short term premium, 500 kyats for 7 days and 1,000 kyats for 1 month.

Premium Payment

Premium has to be paid in a lump-sum.



If there is an accidental death of the insured sportsman while training or competing in a gym or stadium, total sum insured amount will be paid as a lump sum to the beneficiary; 10 lakhs kyats for 1 unit. Death during the competition outside the country, total sum insured 10 lakhs kyats will be paid as a lump sum to the beneficiary.


If there is an accidental injury of the insured sportsman while training or competing in a gym or stadium, benefits will be paid according to the units purchased as per the table rates. For injuries not listed on the table, suitable benefits will be paid based on doctor’s recommendation.

Total and Permanent Disability

If there is a total and permanent disability of the insured sportsman while training or competing in a gym or stadium, total sum insured amount will be paid as a lump sum; 10 lakhs kyats for 1 unit.


If the insured would like to make changes for the following instances within the policy term, please inform KBZ LIFE Offices or KBZ LIFE agents for the endorsement. For instance-

  • • Beneficiary endorsement
  • • Changes in information (Address, Phone, Email, etc.)

How to purchase this insurance?

If you want to purchase this SportsMan Life Insurance policy, please contact either the KBZ LIFE staff and the KBZ LIFE Insurance agent or online and the following procedures are required:

  • (1) Fill application
  • (2) Inspecting the Insured sport man's Documents
  • (3) Premium payment
  • (4) Issuance of the Protocol (Receipt) / Policy Agreement as Acceptance of the Request

If required, our KBZ LIFE and our agents are ready to provide service. You can contact any agent and KBZ LIFE. The representative will follow through until the insurance end.

How to claim for the compensation?

If you encounter an unexpected event, please send it to us.

  • • If the insured sportsman has died or injured in the life of the insurance, you only have to notify us immediately. The KBZ Life Office or KBZ Life representative or KBZ Life staff will assist you with any issues that may require compensation.
  • • Please provide us required medical evidences, documents and proves. KBZ LIFE will provide assistance to claim compensation.